get down to business

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get down to business

更新时间:2024-04-30 09:59:42

英 [ɡet daun tu: ˈbiznis]

美 [ɡɛt daʊn tu ˈbɪznɪs]

get down to business基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. get down to business

1. 办正经事:get down to 开始处理 | get down to business 办正经事 | get even 报复

2. 言归正传:Hope so. 希望如此. | Get down to business. 言归正传. | None of my business. 不关我事.

3. 开始谈正事:因公 on business | 开始谈正事 get down to business | 激烈的竞争 strong competition

4. 认真干事,开始谈正经事. 如:We don't do much business with foreign companies. 我们跟外国公司没有多少生意来... | 3. get down to business 认真干事,开始谈正经事. 如: | It's time we got down to business. 我们该认真办事了(讨论实质问题...

  • 临近词
Stop arguing about (questions of) procedure and lets get down to business.(别再为程序(问题)争辩了,咱们着手议正事吧。)
Let's just get down to business!(让我们切入正题吧!)
Let's cut the crap and get down to business.(咱们别说废话了,开始干正事吧。)
Let's get down to business.(咱们开始干正事吧。)
With that plumbing defined, I can get down to business.(定义了该管道之后,我就可以开始正事了。)
Smith: Well, shall we get down to business?(史密斯:那我们开始谈正事吧。)
OK. Let's get down to business.(好的,让我们开始正题吧。)
With the election out of the way, the government can get down to business.(选举已结束,政府能够着手处理正事了。)
Linda: All right, gang. We need to get down to business.(琳达:好啦,各位。我们需要开始办正事了。)
Sarah: : Right then, Alex, let's get down to business.(萨拉:那好,亚历克斯,让我们正式开始吧。)
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